Para criar um pedido com checkout, devemos incluir o objeto checkout
dentro do nó payment
, assim como a propriedade "payment_method": "checkout"
. O objeto checkout
contêm as seguintes propriedades:
Atributos | Tipo | Descrição |
accepted_payment_method | array of string | Meios de pagamento aceitos para o checkout. Valores possíveis: credit_card , debit_card , boleto , voucher e bank_transfer , pix . |
accepted_multi_payment_methods | array of array of string | Meios de pagamentos aceitos para permitir ao cliente a opção de multimeios. Valores possíveis: credit_card, boleto e credit_card, credit_card . |
default_payment_method | string | Meio de pagamento padrão. |
success_url | string | URL para redirecionamento de sucesso. |
debit_card | object | _Configurações para pagamento com cartão de débito. Saiba mais sobre cartão de débito. |
credit_card | object | Configurações para pagamento com cartão de crédito. |
credit_card.capture | boolean | Indica se a transação deve ser capturada ou somente autorizada. Caso seja true , o valor é capturado simultaneamente à autorização. |
credit_card.statement_descriptor | string | Texto da fatura do cartão. |
credit_card.installments | array of objects | Array de configurações de parcelas. |
credit_card.installments.number | number | Quantidade de parcelas. | | number | Valor total referente à quantidade de parcelas. |
boleto | object | Configurações para pagamento com boleto. |
boleto.due_at | string | Data de vencimento do boleto. |
boleto.instructions | string | Instruções do boleto. |
skip_checkout_success_page | boolean | Permite pular a tela de redirecionamento pós pagamento. |
customer_editable | boolean | Torna o objeto do cliente editável. |
metadata | object | Objeto chave/valor utilizado para armazenar informações adicionais sobre o pagamento.Saiba mais sobre metadata. |
bank_transfer | object | Configurações para pagamento via transferência bancária. | | array of objects | Array de configurações para indicar quais bancos serão utilizados para a transferência bancária. |
expires_in | integer | Tempo, em minutos, para a expiração do checkout. Caso não seja enviado, o checkout não irá expirar. |
billing_address_editable | boolean | Torna o objeto billing address editável. |
billing_address | object | Configuração para endereço de cobrança. |
voucher | object | Configurações para pagamento com voucher. Saiba mais sobre voucher. |
pix | object | Configurações para pagamento com PIX [Saiba mais sobre PIX] ( |
"description":"Chaveiro do Tesseract",
"name":"Tony Stark",
"checkout": {
"customer_editable" : false,
"skip_checkout_success_page": true,
"accepted_payment_methods": [ "credit_card", "boleto", "bank_transfer", "voucher","debit_card"],
"accepted_multi_payment_methods": [
"success_url": "",
"bank_transfer": {
"bank": ["237", "001", "341"]
"boleto": {
"bank": "033",
"instructions": "Pagar até o vencimento",
"due_at": "2020-07-25T00:00:00Z"
"credit_card": {
"capture": true,
"statement_descriptor": "Desc na fatura",
"installments": [
"number": 1,
"total": 2000
"number": 2,
"total": 2500
"capture": true,
"statement_descriptor": "Mundipagg"
"debit_card": {
"statement_descriptor": "Desc na fatura",
"id": "or_3AQ5bRgsyzfe5KEr",
"code": "Z9GQZSVHX8",
"amount": 2990,
"currency": "BRL",
"closed": false,
"items": [
"id": "oi_1Y6DxKAUNXtvgMOW",
"type": "product",
"description": "Chaveiro do Tesseract",
"amount": 2990,
"quantity": 1,
"status": "active",
"created_at": "2020-07-06T22:53:47Z",
"updated_at": "2020-07-06T22:53:47Z"
"customer": {
"id": "cus_QaJd1LRfxF0g3KDP",
"name": "Tony Stark",
"email": "",
"delinquent": false,
"created_at": "2020-07-06T22:42:09Z",
"updated_at": "2020-07-06T22:42:09Z",
"phones": {}
"status": "pending",
"created_at": "2020-07-06T22:53:47Z",
"updated_at": "2020-07-06T22:53:47Z",
"checkouts": [
"id": "chk_GmMAkj7h2U6ONrW5",
"currency": "BRL",
"amount": 2000,
"status": "open",
"success_url": "",
"payment_url": "",
"customer_editable": false,
"billing_address_editable": true,
"skip_checkout_success_page": true,
"shippable": false,
"created_at": "2020-07-06T22:53:47Z",
"updated_at": "2020-07-06T22:53:47Z",
"accepted_payment_methods": [
"accepted_multi_payment_methods": [
"customer": {
"id": "cus_QaJd1LRfxF0g3KDP",
"name": "Tony Stark",
"email": "",
"delinquent": false,
"created_at": "2020-07-06T22:42:09Z",
"updated_at": "2020-07-06T22:42:09Z",
"phones": {}
"credit_card": {
"capture": true,
"statementDescriptor": "Desc na fatura",
"statement_descriptor": "Desc na fatura",
"authentication": {
"type": "none",
"threed_secure": {}
"installments": [
"number": 1,
"total": 2000
"number": 2,
"total": 2500
"debit_card": {
"authentication": {
"type": "threed_secure",
"threed_secure": {
"mpi": "acquirer",
"success_url": ""
"boleto": {
"due_at": "2020-07-25T00:00:00Z",
"instructions": "Pagar até o vencimento"
"voucher": {
"capture": true,
"statement_descriptor": "Mundipagg"
"billing_address": {},
"metadata": {}
//This example was built using MundiAPI-PHP SDK.
//For more information, please refer to
$secretKey = 'sk_test_4tdVXpseumRmqbo'; //the secret key will be provided by MundiPagg.
$basicAuthPassword = ''; //fill it with an empty string
$apiClient = new \MundiAPILib\MundiAPIClient(
$orderController = $apiClient->getOrders();
$customer = new \MundiAPILib\Models\CreateCustomerRequest();
$customer->name = "Tony Stark";
$customer->email = "";
$checkout = new \MundiAPILib\Models\CreateCheckoutPaymentRequest();
$checkout->customerEditable = false;
$checkout->skipCheckoutSuccessPage = true;
$checkout->acceptedPaymentMethods = ["credit_card", "boleto", "bank_transfer", "debit_card"];
$checkout->acceptedMultiPaymentMethods = [["credit_card", "credit_card"], ["credit_card", "boleto"]];
$checkout->successUrl = "";
//Bank transfer payment Setup;
$checkout->bankTransfer = new \MundiAPILib\Models\CreateCheckoutBankTransferRequest();
$checkout->bankTransfer->bank = ["237", "001", "341"];
//Boleto Payment Setup;
$checkout->boleto = new \MundiAPILib\Models\CreateCheckoutBoletoPaymentRequest();
$checkout->boleto->bank = "033";
$checkout->boleto->instructions ="Pagar ate o vencimento";
$checkout->boleto->dueAt = new \DateTime("2021-07-25T00:00:00Z");
//Credit Card Payment Setup;
$checkout->creditCard = new \MundiAPILib\Models\CreateCheckoutCreditCardPaymentRequest();
$checkout->creditCard->capture = true;
$checkout->creditCard->statement_descriptor = "Descriptor example";
$checkout->creditCard->installments = [ //Credit card installments Setup
new \MundiAPILib\Models\CreateCheckoutCardInstallmentOptionRequest(),
new \MundiAPILib\Models\CreateCheckoutCardInstallmentOptionRequest()
// installment 1;
$checkout->creditCard->installments[0]->number = 1;
$checkout->creditCard->installments[0]->total = 2000;
// installment 2 with extra tax of 500;
$checkout->creditCard->installments[1]->number = 1;
$checkout->creditCard->installments[1]->total = 2500;
// Debit Card Payment Setup;
$checkout->debitCard = new \MundiAPILib\Models\CreateCheckoutDebitCardPaymentRequest();
// Debit card Authentication Setup;
$checkout->debitCard->authentication = new \MundiAPILib\Models\CreatePaymentAuthenticationRequest();
$checkout->debitCard->authentication->type = 'threed_secure';
$checkout->debitCard->authentication->threedSecure = new \MundiAPILib\Models\CreateThreeDSecureRequest();
$checkout->debitCard->authentication->threedSecure->mpi = "acquirer";
$checkout->debitCard->authentication->threedSecure->successUrl = "";
$request = new \MundiAPILib\Models\CreateOrderRequest();
$request->items = [new \MundiAPILib\Models\CreateOrderItemRequest()];
$request->items[0]->description = "Tesseract Bracelet";
$request->items[0]->quantity = 1;
$request->items[0]->amount = 2990; // this value should be in cents
$request->payments = [new \MundiAPILib\Models\CreatePaymentRequest()];
$request->payments[0]->amount = 2000; // this value should be in cents
$request->payments[0]->paymentMethod = "checkout";
$request->payments[0]->checkout = $checkout;
$request->customer = $customer;
$result = new \MundiAPILib\Models\GetOrderResponse();
$result->checkouts = [new \MundiAPILib\Models\GetCheckoutPaymentResponse()];
$result = $orderController->createOrder($request);
echo json_encode($result, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);
from mundiapi.mundiapi_client import MundiapiClient
from mundiapi.models import *
from mundiapi.controllers import *
from mundiapi.exceptions.error_exception import *
MundiapiClient.config.basic_auth_user_name = "SUA_SECRET_KEY:"
orders_controller = orders_controller.OrdersController()
customer = create_customer_request.CreateCustomerRequest() = "Tony Stark" = ""
checkout = create_checkout_payment_request.CreateCheckoutPaymentRequest()
checkout.customer_editable = False
checkout.skip_checkout_success_page = True
checkout.accepted_payment_methods = ["credit_card", "boleto", "bank_transfer", "debit_card"]
checkout.accepted_multi_payment_methods = [["credit_card", "credit_card"], ["credit_card", "boleto"]]
checkout.success_url = ""
#Bank transfer payment Setup
checkout.bank_transfer = create_checkout_bank_transfer_request.CreateCheckoutBankTransferRequest() = ["237", "001", "341"]
#Boleto Payment Setup
checkout.boleto = create_checkout_boleto_payment_request.CreateCheckoutBoletoPaymentRequest() = "033"
checkout.boleto.instructions ="Pagar ate o vencimento"
checkout.boleto.due_at = "2021-07-25T00:00:00Z"
#Credit Card Payment Setup
checkout.credit_card = create_checkout_credit_card_payment_request.CreateCheckoutCreditCardPaymentRequest()
checkout.credit_card.capture = True
checkout.credit_card.statement_descriptor = "Descriptor example"
checkout.credit_card.installments = [ # Credit card installments Setup
# installment 1
checkout.credit_card.installments[0].number = 1
checkout.credit_card.installments[0].total = 2000
# installment 2 with extra tax of 500
checkout.credit_card.installments[1].number = 1
checkout.credit_card.installments[1].total = 2500
# Debit Card Payment Setup
checkout.debit_card = create_checkout_debit_card_payment_request.CreateCheckoutDebitCardPaymentRequest()
# Debit card Authentication Setup
checkout.debit_card.authentication = create_payment_authentication_request.CreatePaymentAuthenticationRequest()
checkout.debit_card.authentication.mtype = 'none'
checkout.debit_card.authentication.threed_secure = create_three_d_secure_request.CreateThreeDSecureRequest()
checkout.debit_card.authentication.threed_secure.mpi = "acquirer"
checkout.debit_card.authentication.threed_secure.success_url = ""
request = create_order_request.CreateOrderRequest()
request.code = "test-SDK-python"
request.items = [create_order_item_request.CreateOrderItemRequest()]
request.items[0].description = "Tesseract Bracelet"
request.items[0].quantity = 1
request.items[0].amount = 2990
request.payments = [create_payment_request.CreatePaymentRequest()]
request.payments[0].amount = 2000
request.payments[0].payment_method = "checkout"
request.payments[0].checkout = checkout
request.customer = customer
result = get_order_response.GetOrderResponse()
result.checkouts = [get_checkout_payment_response.GetCheckoutPaymentResponse()]
result = orders_controller.create_order(request)
print("Order id: ",
print("Checkout id: ", result.checkouts[0].id)
print("Order result status: ", result.status)
print("Checkout payment url: ", result.checkouts[0].payment_url)
assert result.status == "pending"
assert result.checkouts[0].boleto is not None
assert result.checkouts[0].credit_card is not None
assert result.checkouts[0].debit_card is not None
assert result.checkouts[0].bank_transfer is not None
assert result.checkouts[0].payment_url is not None
except ErrorException as ex:
print("Error Message: ", ex.message)
print("Status code Response: ", ex.response_code)
if(ex.errors is not None):
print("Errors: ", ex.errors)
except Exception as ex:
raise ex
É importante notar que o meio de pagamento checkout é suportado somente por pedidos, não podendo ser utilizado em cobranças.